Messe Friedrichshafen and the European Outdoor Group (EOG) confirm new dates for June 2017 and 2018 and announce new schedule - 24th OutDoor from June 18 - 21, 2017.
Friedrichshafen/Zug - Summertime, the clocks move forward and so does the OutDoor. Exhibitors, visitors and media representatives can now add the OutDoor dates for 2017 and 2018 to their calendars. Messe Friedrichshafen and its partner the European Outdoor Group (EOG) have announced the future dates of the leading international trade show. Next year, the OutDoor at Lake Constance moves forward to June 18 - 21, 2017 and starts on a Sunday. This year’s OutDoor takes place as planned from July 13 to 16, 2016 with a strong international attendance, including over 900 exhibitors.
"The EOG has a dedicated working group that is tasked with looking at how we can develop trade fair activities for the benefit of the whole industry. Dates are of course a tricky issue, but the group, which is composed of both brand and retail members, felt that by bringing them forward, we could more accurately reflect what’s happening in our sector. By starting the show on a Sunday, we would provide the perfect opportunity for independent retailers to join the show without having to sacrifice a day’s trading. This was then discussed and agreed by the membership of the EOG at the Annual Assembly in January,” explains Mark Held, EOG general secretary. "The most obvious question I have been asked so far, is whether this will simply move order dates forward? The answer to that is a simple ‘no’ and we expect that order dates will remain as they are now,” he adds.
The OutDoor’s organisers, Messe Friedrichshafen, also fully support the new dates and schedule. CEO Klaus Wellmann says, "We work very closely with our partner, the EOG, and aim to act in the best interests of the entire industry. We are pleased to be able to confirm this important event earlier in our calendar in line with industry wishes.” Stefan Reisinger, Head of the OutDoor, comments, "I’m delighted to have set the dates for 2017 and 2018. It’s in everybody’s interest to be able to forward plan securely. This will help us to ensure that the OutDoor remains the highpoint of the season for all industry players.” The 25th Outdoor will take place from June 17-20, 2018.
Overview of future OutDoor dates:
July 13 - 16, 2016
June 18 - 21, 2017
June 17 - 20, 2018